martes, 8 de junio de 2021

 by Jhon steven Cardenas

Fact or fiction? The news during pandemic.   

We all of us could perceive the important role that complies the news during the appearance of SARS-COV2. The unique our contact with the virus was throughout news of television it undoubtedly calmed our deepest anxiety and preparing us for new social rules and conditions of freedom. However, there also existed a pandemic of wrong information or a remarkable bias until an exaggerated fear. It sprouted for this media, the already known infoxication. So what was the real influence of this media towards the viewers?

Firstly, the news thru television was an important source where we can obtain information related with the isolation it channel that inform the people where, when, and how prevent the contagion of the virus become in our exit to all our doubt such as averages of contagion, levels of recovered, percent of diseases, and places most beaten for the spread. It gave a subtle calm to many in the middle of the uncertain and served also as entertainment in hard moments.

Spite of this according some surveys reveals that after the appearing of the virus the general expectation increasing and averages of misinformation too in critic months where the news was the main media in cover the report.

As a consequence also had a big pandemic of fake news, fear, speculation, and rumors related all of them with the appearing of the strain increasing of this way many cases related to mental illnesses, stress, depression, and collective suicides accompanied also the averages of contagions and put also this like one of the most worries post-pandemic.

Multiple narratives claiming the spread of COVID-19 “A microchip or a nanotechnology mechanism that would serve to monitor and control the population” “That it is a biological weapon created by China against the United States and its allies”

In conclusion, I think that this is important labor our local governments carrying of the hand to the most vulnerable population, regulating some possible wrong information, showing good news in favor of the community among other things are the role that has to ensure the television and the democracies of this way it can decrease the level of violence or whatever second-effect post-pandemic.