Deforestation in Colombia
By Caterinne
Johana Gutierrez Pardo
"A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Forests are the lungs of the earth, they purify the air and give pure strength
to our people" (Franklin D. Roosavelt).
-Half of the Colombian territory is
covered by trees, and deforestation is due to the expansion of the agricultural
frontier, especially for extensive cattle ranching, planting of illicit crops,
illegal logging, mining and pressure for population growth, but here we ask
ourselves what is it affecting the environment? What about animals? What could
we do about it? Now I invite you to continue reading this short essay.
-Let's start with the most worrying question of all, how does
it affect the environment? Unfortunately, as human needs grow, so does
deforestation. With the development of urbanization, more and more land is
needed, but at what cost? And this is where our second question comes into
play, what about animals?.
Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment.
One of the biggest impacts is the loss of habitat for millions of species. In
the last 20 years a large number of hectares has been lost, that is, 56.6% of
the national territory, an area the size of Costa Rica has been lost. We have a
clear example of illegal logging, in the Magdalena basin the river annually
drags 160 tons of garbage per square kilometer. This makes it the most
deforested basin in South America and the tenth in the world.
The cause of deforestation in Colombia is illegal logging.
Logging and illegal timber trafficking are a growing problem that threatens the
subsistence of several species, particularly those with a high commercial value
in national and international markets.
-To finish with our last question, what can we do? If you ask
me, I think we should demand laws to have stable and diverse forests and
provide a strategic framework to balance land uses at the national,
sub-national and territorial scales, however; effective regulation is necessary
for this change. Additionally, forest fires are more common and more dangerous,
but many of the fires are intentional and the vast majority are caused by man,
carelessness or negligence.
Speaking personally, I believe that we must start with the
basics, at home recycling, reusing, in the street we should not throw garbage
on the streets. Do not forget that: The change begins with us. I guess that
everything must be for autonomy, in order to improve our world and not lose
what we have left.