lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021


Environmental Problems

By Nicolas Martinez


A lot of countries around the world are having problems with the way to dispose their waste, this problem is something that we can see in countries as China, USA, India, among other big countries. How could they change it? The easiest way to reduce the contamination in any of them is by making tougher laws about the legal limits of pollution for the companies. However, in my opinion there are two very important things which the countries have to make for change their environmental situation.

-         The production and fabrication of new products should be more responsible about the materials used to make and in this way the whole parts of the product after could be recycled.

-         Make laws about the limits of natural resources that the companies can use and the obligations that they will have for use it.

In February of 2020, the world could see how the amazon was burning, then some countries started to change them ways to regulate the pollution in the air when it was increasing around the world. However, this shouldn’t have made only to the environmental crisis.

Amazon is called “The lung of the world”, it produces the 20% of the air in the planet and reduce in 14% the carbon dioxide. This are very important quantities of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but the rest of it must be produced and reduced by the rest of the world. The other countries can’t be indifferent about it.


On the other hand, if the countries were more responsible about the pollution, the way to dispose them waste or the importance of the natural resources, the world wouldn’t have many problems of pollution.  


According to the WHO based on the increasing of pollution, “The air of the big countries could be toxic for 2030”, it could generate skin and respiratory diseases. For this reason, if the countries start to change the politics and the limits of pollution for the companies, the air quality will be better than today. The change must be now.

4 comentarios:

  1. In my point of view, I do agree that there are more strict and direct laws to continue saving the Amazon and never damage it again

  2. This article speak of Amazon and the problems of some countries respect to the environmental.
    I'm agree with everything he say, because everything is real.

  3. I agree,I think that If companies and societies begin to have more environmental awareness we can avoid catastrophes in the future

  4. As I think I believe that there are a huge amount of responsability of the goverment, they must to support all of them, and punishiung to those that not complete the rules, but the citizen have some important resposability at the hour to achive those laws.
