martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020


Media and power hungry politicians.

By: Yassir Martinez 

What role does the media play in ensuring that such politicians are kept in check?

These limitations include how candidates are able to utilize media in order to reach their target audiences, the means by which a campaign can be financed, the practice of maintaining transparency within campaign, finance and importantly, how information is shared via the Internet among those who create and receive content. The subject of study that we want to analyze is the relations between mass media and politicians. Mass media can play an important key role that permit to the community supervise the actions of incumbents, of mass media and so the community can to use this information in their votes decisions. The increase of issuer and receivers (community) give more importance to the so-called ‘’fourth power politicians”. The capacity that of mass media to disseminate and focus of information a politician convenience. How the government treats the mass media affects the development of news media. The quantity and quality of news generated however the desire of increase market share is common to most industries Anytime someone is monitored, they may be tempted to ingratiate or threaten the monitor in order to get better coverage. This is the link between of politicians and mass media enable, the participation in the life whit equality rights and the capacity to express their opinions.


The interest of politicians about manipulate mass media, more mass media are forced politicians interesting whereas focus the news an own benefit. This is the main disadvantage, the media gives people access to be able to choose a political party, devise attitudes on government parties and government decisions. The media consumers and politics will continue to depend upon each other. Since our culture has become increasingly dependent on the services of the mass media without the fear of lawsuits so if this new are true or false. How say SC Hudson (2011) claims that “Political institutions and media institutions are so deeply intertwined, so thoroughly engaged in a complex dance with one another, that it is not easy to distinguish where one begins and the other leaves off”.

For example, Since Dean presidential candidate was who at first appeared to be an unstoppable force, was one of the first presidential candidates in utilized of mass media. Dean was able to obtain an average of $77 per person from 800,000 people, and was the first candidate to reach a younger audience, with twenty-five percent of his contributions coming from individuals under the age of thirty Raising such large sums of money while utilized of mass media.


The fact that many political party has been used the main advantage of become this industry of mass media in a business that sells to the public, the majority of political party are agree that a large amount of wealth confers power and power brings success. The mass media can bring a campaign to life, or bring it crashing down in a much more rapid fashion. The capacity of the politician when he addressed has been a primary topic wit this can manipulated their audience with all their say, with say Michael Frier “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”.

For example: Clinton-Gore in 1992, the Democratic nominees sent out mass e-mails, issued e-bulletin boards, and created online discussion groups in order to distribute and potential inform voter of their platform and other valuable information regarding their campaign


In conclusion, the dynamic relation between politicians and mass media over the years illustrates that these two entities aren’t independent of each other. The influence and coverage that the media exerts and provides appears to have more possibilities for detriment than for benefit, in spite of limitations that have been placed on the media, it continues being a prominent role in politics and in daily life. Whether it is capping the amount of coverage that a politician receives on a televised broadcast determining what an electioneering communication is regulating campaign finance efforts, or the other limitations outlined. Has demonstrated that individuals can use media to satisfy their information gathering needs, since our culture has become increasingly dependent on the services of mass media political candidates have recognized this fact, the opportunities presented and have not hesitated to take advantage of it and utilize this medium for their political welfare.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

video presentation mass media

 video presentation mass media

By Laura Herrera. 




How people should treat to change the situations of racism?


by  Nicolas Martinez Martinez

     Nowadays people believe that the inclusion of racism history in Television or Cinema is very important to change it in some countries like USA. Do you think that the inclusion of racism situations in series or movies can help to change the way in which these people are treated?


     The principal advantages of showing  racism situations in media like TV or cinema are the possibility of making people aware about this problematic around the world, according to this in countries like Argentina have had an increase of campaigns to promote the knowing of human rights. In other countries where this idea had been implemented as Germany, France and Italy this campaign have helped to reduce the number of cases related to racism.


     On the other hand, the principal disadvantages of it are that these situations may not be suitable for the whole people mainly children in the case of TV. In some occasions this programs that had showed situations of racism usually decreased in how many people watch it with a lot of critics.


     In my opinion showing the racism situations in Television or Cinema is one of the best ways to change this problematic. However, on the whole problematics of our history have had disadvantages with respect to the way in which the society have tried to change them.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

A story by students 


An old friend's journey


It all started when an old friend went on a trip. He traveled to the of  Island San Andres in March. He was very happy because he was going to reunite with his family. He bought enough clothes for his trip, he bought short shirts, shorts, sandals. Everything you need for a vacation trip. At first he planned to stay in the  Island San Andres for a month but for work he could only stay a week. So he ready everything necessary for the trip.

When he finally arrived in the island  San Andres, he started to buy various things for his parents. Unfortunately, he spent more than he should and soon, he had no money to pay back. After this, he went to his parents and relatives for help but they had no money. His family couldn't help him. So he looked for a job it wasn't his best vacation. He was very bored because he couldn't do everything he set out to do. Soon, the days passed and he gathered the money he needed  to return to the city of Bogota. His family reminded him that he should be more  careful and responsible. Finally, he understood the mistake he had made and after all he  shared time  with his family which was what he loved the most. In the end, he was very happy.






lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

For and against essays students examples


By Laura Herrera Practical English 1 



      The mass media have been an instrument the communication between the human being and what happens around him, this mode the mass media in their reports and communication they have generate a percentage and opinion the people. The media are communicators of messages, textual, sound, visual or audiovisual, but the media are viewed according to age and credibility, which is why viewers have a greater visualization and use on the television than radio, which used to have a higher percentage of viewers. However, why does the television have more viewer population than the radio?

        In the first place, when conducting a survey to a population the almost 4.000 people at the city of Medellin (Barbosa), the 4,000 out of 90 women and people from the age group of 46 and 65 years old according to statistics have been those who consume media with the greatest intensity, and 6.8% of men use the internet less than women 6 , 9%, but this percentage to change one today is your biggest audience. On the other hand, it can be noted that the internet has been the main medium and that 1,249 people out of 4,000 choose this medium, from this scale it descends with respect to other media.

      Secondly, this percentage agrees that they would prefer their favorite programs than to give an account of the reality of these, in the same way, the percentage is given due to the continuous advantages and disadvantages of the media, as in the case of television communication media, compared to viewers such as children, socialization has been a means either because it is to transmit values ​​or norms of society, it also acts as a source of both entertainment and learning, although it also transmits good values ​​and  also the specialists recommend that parents have control of the management of television, It transmits negative values ​​for children such as: machismo, selfishness, this is why specialists recommend that parents have control of what is seen at home, as well as abuse of Otherwise, the radio has been directed more to a manageable vocabulary, before television existed with its little semantic and inappropriate language, the God was the means of communication with a better language of its own, like television, radio has the disadvantage that its radio messages allow misinterpretation and it is a means of communication where a visual message is not stimulated, however it tends to have a stimulating imagination.

       On the other hand, if television had had a better language or a more colloquial language had been maintained, television would have been a better communication contribution for children and if radio had an advance, it would be a better management of values ​​and communication for children.

     In conclusion, the television has more votes because it may have the possibility of being seen and heard and the radio has only one listening medium. However, radio being a better means of verbal communication, should have been a means of communication that should have had more advances for this to be a means of distant education. In the same way we are supposed get that the children be educated from a good firm within our society and see how the media is better used.