lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

For and against essays students examples


By Laura Herrera Practical English 1 



      The mass media have been an instrument the communication between the human being and what happens around him, this mode the mass media in their reports and communication they have generate a percentage and opinion the people. The media are communicators of messages, textual, sound, visual or audiovisual, but the media are viewed according to age and credibility, which is why viewers have a greater visualization and use on the television than radio, which used to have a higher percentage of viewers. However, why does the television have more viewer population than the radio?

        In the first place, when conducting a survey to a population the almost 4.000 people at the city of Medellin (Barbosa), the 4,000 out of 90 women and people from the age group of 46 and 65 years old according to statistics have been those who consume media with the greatest intensity, and 6.8% of men use the internet less than women 6 , 9%, but this percentage to change one today is your biggest audience. On the other hand, it can be noted that the internet has been the main medium and that 1,249 people out of 4,000 choose this medium, from this scale it descends with respect to other media.

      Secondly, this percentage agrees that they would prefer their favorite programs than to give an account of the reality of these, in the same way, the percentage is given due to the continuous advantages and disadvantages of the media, as in the case of television communication media, compared to viewers such as children, socialization has been a means either because it is to transmit values ​​or norms of society, it also acts as a source of both entertainment and learning, although it also transmits good values ​​and  also the specialists recommend that parents have control of the management of television, It transmits negative values ​​for children such as: machismo, selfishness, this is why specialists recommend that parents have control of what is seen at home, as well as abuse of Otherwise, the radio has been directed more to a manageable vocabulary, before television existed with its little semantic and inappropriate language, the God was the means of communication with a better language of its own, like television, radio has the disadvantage that its radio messages allow misinterpretation and it is a means of communication where a visual message is not stimulated, however it tends to have a stimulating imagination.

       On the other hand, if television had had a better language or a more colloquial language had been maintained, television would have been a better communication contribution for children and if radio had an advance, it would be a better management of values ​​and communication for children.

     In conclusion, the television has more votes because it may have the possibility of being seen and heard and the radio has only one listening medium. However, radio being a better means of verbal communication, should have been a means of communication that should have had more advances for this to be a means of distant education. In the same way we are supposed get that the children be educated from a good firm within our society and see how the media is better used.




9 comentarios:

  1. I think this essay have many good information and express clearly her opinion, additionality answer the question that proposed, in terms of a essay is very great and respect the information to my is awesome because have many reasons well explained about why television have more viwers that radio.

  2. In this articlee he talks about the media and how television has passed over the use of radio. of how television does not have an appropriate language and if it did, it would have a greater contribution to children.

  3. I agree with this article in the part that says that television is more popular than radio, especially in young people because they see something not so boring about this medium

  4. in my point of view mass media has a big impact around the world because has some advantage about news, entertainment and more but the same time has disadvantage such as dangers contents. in general the essay is really interesting because the majority people prefer watch television than listen to radio maybe for the certain

  5. It is a very good point of opinion that Laura gives us.
    And I agree that television has not been of much benefit to children, the comparison it makes of TV and radio is really good, because apart from the data that it provides, it tells the truth
    Personally, I consider that radio is much better than tv

  6. The age of mass medial has became in a big changes, the people has seen many forms of mass medial and each one getting better the communication and information

  7. I agree with this person's point of view because I think that the media is very important because it not only helps us to get information but also helps us to communicate and to have in some way a new life style, however I think that television must improve its language as many children watch television and repeat everything

  8. It is a very good point of opinion. I agree that parents should have control of the time their children spend on the internet or watching T.V . I find very interesting what she says " the television has more votes because it may have the possibility of being seen and heard and the radio has only one listening medium. However, radio being a better means of verbal communication, should have been a means of communication that should have had more advances for this to be a means of distant education " she's very right

  9. I'm desagrre un match tu and listen radio however the internet you can get information about your interest about the tv the women consume more than radio, the stadictics says that is true and do the contribution to the children and the generation
