martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020




How people should treat to change the situations of racism?


by  Nicolas Martinez Martinez

     Nowadays people believe that the inclusion of racism history in Television or Cinema is very important to change it in some countries like USA. Do you think that the inclusion of racism situations in series or movies can help to change the way in which these people are treated?


     The principal advantages of showing  racism situations in media like TV or cinema are the possibility of making people aware about this problematic around the world, according to this in countries like Argentina have had an increase of campaigns to promote the knowing of human rights. In other countries where this idea had been implemented as Germany, France and Italy this campaign have helped to reduce the number of cases related to racism.


     On the other hand, the principal disadvantages of it are that these situations may not be suitable for the whole people mainly children in the case of TV. In some occasions this programs that had showed situations of racism usually decreased in how many people watch it with a lot of critics.


     In my opinion showing the racism situations in Television or Cinema is one of the best ways to change this problematic. However, on the whole problematics of our history have had disadvantages with respect to the way in which the society have tried to change them.

5 comentarios:

  1. Yes, I think that the TV, cinema or any mass media can help to change this situation

  2. I agree that television programs should include people of color because even though it doesn't end this problem that has been going on for years, it can help the current generation understand that exclusion is not good or healthy for anyone.

  3. The introduction part have a nice explanatory form, however that part doesn't have much information.

  4. I agree that to reduce racism it is necessary to influence the media which are very important for the population and thus avoid consequences such as have already ocurred in other countries

  5. I thought is important that countries be racism because they would slaves like Spain was Kings and the other was slaves
